Monday, June 20, 2016

Zippy Loom Review

I'm a huge crafter. HUGE. I used to paint and draw,  I've tried woodworking a bit, I dabble in jewelry making, I can embroider fairly well - but my first and greatest love for the past twelve years has been yarn. I knit, I crochet, I can weave, I used to spin, but knitting and crochet have always been the things I come back to the most.

Maybe because there is something soothing about the feeling of yarn running through my fingers, maybe it's because yarn crafts are so portable,  maybe it's the satisfaction of watching a project grow. People also seem to enjoy yarny gifts the most, at least a few times a week a friend or family member requests a new pair of slippers, socks, a stuffed animal, hat, etc. My list of people I "owe" a project to at this point is about three pages long.

When I was younger, before kids and even after my first was born, I thrived on huge and complex projects. I knitted long cabled cardigans, elaborate socks, scarves with hidden designs.

Once more kids started arriving, and then especially after my divorce when I began working more and having no "kid-free" time, my projects changed substantially. I started crocheting more than knitting, although I loved knitting more, just because the projects went faster and I could feel that satisfaction of an item completed with less time investment.

By the time my 4th child was born last summer, I was barely picking up a hook or needles at all. It just seemed like there was never time or energy. Everything took too long.

And that, my friends, is where knitting looms come in! I first found an inexpensive set of round looms, and I love them, I've been making hats like crazy. Then I came across something I love even more. The Zippy loom by Authentic Knitting Board, pictured above with a scarf attached. I actually first thought my oldest son would like it (and he does, we've been having some wars over whose turn it is to use it and I think I need to buy some more!) but as I read the directions and explained it to him, I became totally enamored with the little loom myself.

Each piece has 4 pegs, and retails between 7.99 and 9.99 depending on where you buy it. (Look online for coupons for your local craft store, near me I know A.C. Moore and Hobby Lobby will email great coupons a couple times a week if you're on their mailing list.)

You can make a skinny scarf on one piece in about 30-45 minutes, even for a beginning. Personally, I live in Northern New Jersey where it gets really cold so I'm not a big fan of skinny scarfs. But here's the fun part. Each Zippy loom comes with a connector, so you can buy a few and in seconds, hook them together. Two looms together makes, in my opinion, the perfect width scarf. Since I got the Zippy looms, I CAN'T STOP KNITTING. It is SO easy and fun. I've been taking my projects to the pool, the playground, the zoo, BBQ's, literally EVERYWHERE. There is something so satisfying in watching a scarf grown an inch every row! I've made a ton of regular scarves and infinity scarves, and it's felt great to be crafting again.

The product itself is sturdy and well maid. The directions are dead simple. You can knit while watching TV, talking on the phone, waiting in waiting rooms...anytime you have a minute! It takes me about an hour and a half to finish an adult scarf, how can you beat that?

The only problem is that now I'm obsessed and I want more Zippy Looms. I want to buy about six or seven more so I can hook them together and make chunky, cozy blankets. I've also seen online that you can buy "corners" for your zippy loom so you can knit in the round rather than just straight - a Zippy loom hat sounds so toasty and comforting. And making an adult hat in an hour or less sounds perfect to me! I see Christmas gifts for everyone next year!

As I've been reading other people's reviews - which by the way it seems like I'm not the only person to fall into a deep, deep rabbit hole of Zippy loom obsession after being introduced to it -I've seen people say that these looms are also great for people who have trouble with fine motor skills, like elderly people who can't knit regularly anymore or those who have problems keeping calm and need something to do with their hands.

And here we are at the beginning of summer vacation - I don't know about you, but I'm all about keeping my kids busy this summer. My older children are definitely going to be spending some time with these looms also. If you can't find them near you, Amazon sells the looms and corners for a reasonable price and they ship quickly. Enjoy! And feel free to post pics of your Zippy loom creations below!

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