Monday, June 6, 2016

Hi everyone!

I got the idea to start this blog right before my 37th birthday and I thought "OMG what a great idea! I will start this blog on my birthday and I will write in it every day!" Well, birthday was over two weeks ago but here we are, better later than never! This is how things tend to go when you are the only adult in a house full of young kids, time seems to get away from you sometimes!! But, no more excuses. I have been thinking about how many of my friends who are around my age are miserable about inching closer to 40. I say - who cares!!! I lost my mom 5 years ago and she also never cared about age - she always said getting older was better than the alternative. And she was right. So, here we are. I'm 37 and divorced with 4 young children. I work as a freelance writer right now, and am taking courses in medical coding. I'm always looking for ways to save money and free/cheap entertainment, and I have tried a lot of different work at home opportunities, some stuck, some didn't. As time goes on, I will be reviewing some of those for any of you who also work at home. I'm also all about crafts, I LOVE all crafts but the last year I'm most obsessed with knitting, crochet and making paper beads so I will be posting a lot of stuff about that as well. Please feel free to comment and introduce yourselves or give your opinions as time goes on!

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