Sunday, June 12, 2016

Children's Day Is Ridiculous

I woke up this morning and checked Facebook. Immediately, a notification came up reminding me that today is Children's Day and to let my friends know if I was celebrating. With a scoff, I x'ed out of that and was immediately greeted by my friends pics of their kids and details of how everyone was celebrating their children for Children's Day.

To this, I say.....seriously? Let me tell you about my day yesterday. And this wasn't for Children's Day, this is just what we call "Saturday." My kids were all awake before 7. They begged for waffles for breakfast, which I made them. Two children who begged for them didn't touch them at all, another ate half a waffle. Twenty minutes later they were all starving again. What I said to them at that point isn't really fit for putting on a public blog.

A little later, we went to our town's festival day, where they saw a reptile demonstration, ate ice cream and cotton candy and hotdogs, climbed on a firetruck, and ran around like crazy people for a few hours. THEN we went to the mall, where I let them pick out a movie for themselves that I bought them, they played in the play area, and when we got home I let them all stay up late to watch their movie and eat popcorn. I went to bed feeling pretty satisfied with what a good day I gave them.

This morning as soon as my eyes were open, I was greeted with three little people around my bed (the baby can't get out of her crib yet, or she probably would have been there too) demanding breakfast and wanting to know in what ways I planned to entertain them today. I told them that one of their favorite people would be over to visit, and then we would be going to a butterfly release nearby.

And what did the little ingrates do? Everyone burst into tears and started whining because we "never do anything fun" and "I don't care what they like to do."

When did this happen? How did we become a society ruled by children where adults are basically around just to be servants and chauffeurs for their children and pay the bills so they can have every material thing they desire? It's nuts!

As far as I can tell, EVERY day is Children's Day. And I don't know what to do about it. I work, I'm the only adult living in the house, and I have hardly any money - ever. So how did even MY kids become so spoiled and entitled that think every moment of their live should be filled with fun things that THEY want to do?

There was a time when children were supposed to be seen and not heard, and were mostly valued for how much labor they could contribute to the family farm or business. While I'm not advocating going back to THAT (well, not on most days I'm not) I do think the pendulum has swung way too far the other way.

Now, children assume that the only food purchased will be things they like. They think they deserve a present every time they walk in a store. They expect parents to run themselves ragged driving them to sports, karate, art classes, chess club or WHATEVER 7 days a week. And the part that I find most shocking is that PARENTS DO IT!

How do they have time? Do they ever do anything for themselves? Do they ever spend time with just their partner? How do they afford this? And WHY?

Personally I try to give my kids a good life. I do try to take them places they want to go and get them treats when possible. I love my kids, but they aren't my entire life. I have friends, and family and love and hobbies and work. There has to be balance. I have been known to send all the kids upstairs and commandeer the big TV to watch my OWN movies. On most night, they have to ALL be in bed by 8 so I can have time to myself and to have a life. And even so, my kids still get to have fun, still aren't lacking for anything.

So on this Children's Day, I will not be running myself extra ragged trying to "celebrate" my kids. They will have fun, but I don't think a day encouraging kids to think they are the center of the universe when they already THINK they are the center of the universe is really necessary.

What about you? Do you celebrate this day? And if so, how? Tell me about it in the comments!

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