Monday, June 13, 2016

Why Geocaching Is a Perfect Hobby

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We are about to embark on a long, LONG summer. Is anyone else wondering how to fill the days without breaking the bank?
A few years ago, I discovered geocaching, and it's something me and my kids have enjoyed ever since.

For those of you who haven't heard of this, here's how it works. People, lots of people, all over the country, hide geocaches, which are usually containers of various sizes that often have a logbook and small prizes inside. You download a free or inexpensive app on your phone (there are a few to choose from) and you search for geocaches near your location. Once you get the general location, you use GPS and the compass within the app to locate the geocache. Once found, you sign the log in the container (if there is one) log it in the app as well, and if there is a prize, you take it out and replace it with something else.

Prizes are small, it's more just for the fun of finding something. A cute pen, bubbles, a pack of cards, etc. My kids and I buy things at the local dollar store to replace them. Even in our rural location, there are tons of geocaches all over the place. I've never done this in the city, but I bet that's awesome too.

So what makes geocaching a good hobby?

  1.  It's cheap. A couple dollars worth of prizes to switch out in the geocaches, a little gas to drive around (unless you live somewhere where they are in walking distance) and possibly 5 dollars for an app on your phone and you have days worth of entertainment. And as I said, there are free apps as well so if you don't want to spend a thing on that, you don't have to. The advantage of paid apps are that they usually allow you to sort geocaches more than the free version, such as sorting by the difficulty level of finding it or by size.
  2. It's something the whole family can enjoy. I'm not big into many kids activities, I can admit that, but geocaching is something adults do also, it's not a "kid" thing, although my kids love it too. But activities everyone has fun with and can be done even with a wide range of ages is rare.
  3. Geocaching is a great way to spend some time outdoors. Want to get yourself and your family away from TVS and video games. Try geocaching? It's easy to spend an afternoon outside "searching for treasure" as my 6 year old puts it, without even realizing you are also getting some exercise and breathing fresh air.
Are there any downsides? Eh, not really. The worst I can really come up with is it's more a nice weather thing, geocaching in the rain or snow really isn't very fun. Also, you do need to be aware of your surroundings. I was once geocaching with my son - who was 4 at the time- and came across a bear rather than the geocache. And because we were so focused on the compass, we didn't see the bear until we were kinda close for comfort. But other than that, it's a really enjoyable and very inexpensive way to spend time as a family and do something a little different.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

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