Thursday, June 9, 2016

Loom Knitting Obsession

 Anyone who knows me knows that I tend to get a little obsessed with something that I like, particularly crafts related. In keeping with that, let me introduce you to my newest love: loom knitting!
To be honest, I don't know if these have been around for a long time and I just didn't know about them, or if they are a new trend. I remember tiny little spools that looked like this that made cord when I was little, but not big ones like this. So, why am I obsessed??

I've gotten away from knitting a bit in the last couple years, because it is slower going and with a full house of kids and working, I get frustrated with projects that take too long. I've started crocheting more because it is much quicker. But a part of me missed the repetition and look of knitting.

I came across a set of looms in A.C. Moore recently and I had a 55 percent off coupon, so I spent about 4.50 for a set of 4 different sized looms. (I later went back and got another, smaller loom for making flowers.)

Knitting doesn't get much simpler than with these looms. As far as I can tell, what you can make with the round ones is simple stuff, hats, scarves, leg warmers, bulky socks. But with my life being as full and complicated as it is at the moment, simple things are all my really interested in right now.

In the top pic is my daughter in my first loom knit hat. The second pic is hats for myself and my 7 year old son in the works....did I mention I get a little obsessive about these things?? LOL!

The technique is dead easy, and the sets I bought all came with instructions. YouTube also has a ton of helpful tutorials. I'm also going to link to some helpful resources below. But basically, all you do is make a slip knot and attach it to the bump on the side of the loom. Then wrap the yarn around each beg. When you get back to the first peg, wrap them all again. Then use the included hook to lift the bottom loop over the top all the way around until you only have one loop on each peg again. Wrap each peg again, and repeat lifting the lower hoop over the upper. Before long, a tube of stockinette will begin to appear.

There are ways to purl and cable and do fancy stitches as well, but I haven't gotten to any of those yet. Right now I'm very happy with my rolled brim, stockinette slouchy caps, with or without flowers.  If you want to try this out, look for materials in your local craft store or order below:

Who else loom knits? What are your favorite things to make? Any tips and tricks for a beginner? Please post in the comments below!

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