Friday, June 9, 2017

When One Door Closes....

What a day today has been. This week has been a bit of a roller coaster emotionally in my personal life, and finally that was all resolved and everything had been worked out. Then, this morning I got an email from My Pillow, where I've been working as an at home sales rep since November, that my services were no longer needed. I'm pretty angry about that because I feel they have been shady in their dealing with their contractors and the reason given in the generic email I received was not accurate in the least - but in any event. I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself and trying to figure out what I'm going to do next and I logged into my Merch by Amazon account to see I had two more T-Shirt sales since I logged in late last night. That makes 13 sales this week, far more than I have done any other week since I started in late April. It also brings my total sales up to the number I need to "tier up" to the next level. Right now, I can have 25 designs active at any one time (up from 10 when I first started) and when they do the next round of tier ups (Amazon doesn't have a set schedule for when they do this or how they select who gets tiered next, but lately its been happening on alot of Monday's so...fingers crossed!) I HOPEFULLY will be in the next round and get tiered to 100, meaning I can have 100 designs live at a time. Obviously the more designs you have, the greater the income potential. And I'm finding I LOVE designing and I definitely love making money while I sleep with the passive income of this business model. I've worked freelance and as an independent contractor for many years due to having young kids I don't want in daycare and also my general distaste for working outside the home. I've had some great, long term gigs and I've had some short and miserable ones and one thing I've learned is that the old adage is definitely true- God doesn't close a door without opening a window! As upset as I was earlier, losing My Pillow is definitely not the end of the world, it has been so slow that I barely made anything there anyway. Hopefully Merch will fill the gaps, and if not then it will be onto other things. The possibilities are endless in this life. Cheers to everyone, have a great weekend!

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