Wednesday, June 7, 2017

This Is 38!

As usual, I'm a bit behind! Because I turned 38 a couple weeks ago! I have never cared about age the way some people do, I don't want to hide my age, I don't wish I was younger, I'm all about enjoying what is happening now and looking on the bright side. Every year, before my birthday I spend some time reflecting on the prior year. I feel that I want to constantly learn and improve, so I judge each year by what I learned or did or improved on from the prior year. So! While I was 37, my personal relationships improved a TON. Things were better with my S/O than at any other time in the years we have been involved. After years of off and on and constant strife, I feel like we got a major grip on things this year. Not entirely, there are still fights and issues, but WAYYYY less than before. Progress. I also learned to sew. Something I tried a few times before over the years and always gave up on quickly. I finally am getting the hang of it. This is big to me. I set a goal to read a book a week for the whole year, and I accomplished that. Actually alot of weeks I read more than one book. So I learned ALOT this year. This year, I began working as a Sales call center rep for My Pillow, which has had it's busy and not so busy times, but overall has been good for my family and my continued quest to work solely from home to raise my children and to always be there for them. Very recently, I got approved for Merch by Amazon, after what felt like an excruciating wait. So I'm designing T-shirts for sale on Amazon now. It's early days and I'm not making a ton of royalties yet, but I'm seeing the potential and very excited. What do I want for 38? I want to hit the 1000 tier with Merch By Amazon by Thanksgiving. Earlier if possible but I think that's a fair goal. I want to continue working from home for the year and raising my children and watching them grow. I want to move out of my smallish rental house and find something bigger hopefully with more of a yard for the kids. 38 feels very exciting so far and I cant wait to see what happens next!

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