Monday, August 22, 2016

Is Summer Over Yet?

As I read all the posts on Facebook from other mothers about how much they are loving summer and see blissful pics of happy kids playing in backyards or at the beach or at vacation and parents lamenting how fast time with little ones go...I can't help but wonder if they are full of shit.

I love my kids. I really do. And I often enjoy spending time with them. That doesn't mean, however, that I don't do a  little jump for joy every time my sons go for a visit to their dad's house or to visit their grandparents. It doesn't mean that I am not counting down until the new school year starts (15 DAYS!!!)

This summer has been tough. Four kids home with me all day every day while I try to get a business of the ground and work a day job has made me ...edgy isn't even the word. I can't believe screaming like a lunatic like this could be normal.

And the intense heat this summer has not helped. It's been too hot to spend as much time outdoors as we normally do, and the only thing worse than four young kids is four young kids who are unbelievably hyper from being trapped in the house for days on end.

We went swimming a few times a week, but as I mentioned I do need to work so we can't spend all day every day at the pool the way they (and I) would like, unfortunately. This leads to everyone crying when it's time to leave because apparently an hour of swimming is not nearly enough and just makes everyone upset when they get dragged out in the middle of having fun.

Deep sigh.

So tell me the truth. Are you really enjoying the summer with your kids or is anyone else totally ready for the first day of school?

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