Monday, August 29, 2016

Why You Should Start a Plexus Business

I've admitted it before and I will admit it again, I have always had a very bad taste in my mouth about network marketing. I thought the people who did it were pushy and annoying and money hungry and every time someone approached me with their "opportunity" I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. So how am I now finding myself a Plexus ambassador? Because, you guys, this is so different than anything I've seen before.

The biggest and most obvious reason that Plexus is different is because the products are AMAZING. In addition to losing weight, my health has completely turned around in less than two months on the products. I originally just wanted to drop some weight, I had no expectations beyond that. I didn't even realize how bad I felt until I started feeling better. Since my last child was born, I have felt awful. I didn't know if it was from having four kids in under seven years, the financial and emotional stress of caring for them, or if it was an age thing, that I was starting to creep towards 40 and just not feeling as good.

 Now? I take the kids hiking almost every day.I have energy during the day and sleep soundly at night (well, when a child doesn't wake up, you know how that is.) I feel so much less moody and irritable. My cramps and pms and breaking out at "that" time of the month are now nonexistent. My whole body feels better. Just for this reason, I cannot stress to everyone how much they need to try these products. I know so many people that are always tired, have chronic pain, constant headaches (oh, and my almost daily tension headaches? Now, MAYBE once a week!) and all I can think need to try this!

There are SO many testimonials of people who have had their lives completely changed by Plexus products! You can search on your own, or if you're interested, feel free to message me and I will send you a bunch of links to people's success stories. I also think almost everyone could benefit from getting into the business -and not because "i" would make money (I mean I do, but I also make money just for straight selling and also have another job) if they did, but because so many OTHER people need the money...I have found such a simple and effective way to make can I not tell everyone? July was my first month. I made a couple hundred dollars. Not a ton, but considering that literally the only thing I did to earn it was post about Plexus on my Facebook and chat with people who messaged me with questions, it was so easy? For August, I'm going to double July's earnings. Still not huge, but again, for posting on Facebook and talking to people. That's it! And the thing is, it's snowballing. Someone places an order, loves the products, tells other people, and suddenly I'm getting messages from their sister/friend/spouse asking how they can order too! It's nuts. The potential for a huge income with this company is very real, but think about it - even if I stayed in the 400-500 dollar a month pay range - couldn't 400-500 dollars extra a month make a difference in YOUR budget? i'm no planning to stay there though - I want to keep moving up, like so many other amazing people i see.

 The company pays 11 different ways, from commissions, to team building bonuses, to advancement bonuses, etc. Pay for certain things goes out every Friday, and for other things on the 15th of the month...which means ambassadors get paid five times a month. (!!!!) Something else to consider - as I was running away from other network marketing companies, I did hear them shouting about the upfront costs and commission structure.

You guys, Plexus blows them all away. First of all, to join is 34.95 for THE YEAR. There are NO monthly fees. Many people who don't want to work the business sign up as ambassadors because that gets you wholesale pricing on the products (25 percent off retail) for the year. Some of those people change their minds and end up working the business anyway because they believe in it so much - but I digress. You don't have to handle money, carry inventory, have parties...none of the things traditionally associated with network marketing. With your 34.95 you get a website and if someone wants to buy from you or join themselves, you just direct them to your website. Easy peasy. To qualify for commissions in a given month, you only have to move 100 PV for that month (which comes out to about 115 dollars) now the best thing is that that 115 dollars is EITHER from you buying products OR someone buying through your site, or a combination. You don't HAVE to buy anything. (Although with supplements them amazing you will want to!) If for some reason you don't sell enough for a month or want to buy that month, you just turn off the autoship option, NO HASSLE NO FEES NO ISSUES AT ALL!!

 If you think you can't afford the products - get three people to try it with you and you all get products and yours will be covered! It's so easy! When my friend Tina first approached me with this, I thought yeah it sounds good, but I can't afford it, I should be spending all my money on my kids! But what she assured me and now I'm assuring you, is that this is not a "waste" of money. The products and the opportunity are life changing. I made my initial investment back within a couple weeks of both my 34.95 and my first month of my own products. And I'm not a "salesperson" in fact, Plexus doesn't WANT salespeople, they just want people to share products they love. I don't feel like I'm selling anything, I'm just talking about something that has already made a huge difference to me in a short amount of time.

 The training my team has available is mind blowing. I don't think I could be progressing the way I am without it. I'm learning everything I can about the products and company so I can share accurately and as many people as possible can take advantage of this. And while this is a fast growing company, there are still so many areas that have no or fee ambassadors so there is no saturation, you can still reach so many people.

I'm in New Jersey, and I didn't know ANYONE sharing Plexus before me. I'm sure there are other people in the tri-state doing it, but it can't be many because very few people had actually ever even heard of it around here before I started talking! Get in on this. Seriously this is amazing. What's the worst that can happen, you find the opportunity isn't for you and waste 34.95? Oh...but what if it DOES?

What if this blows up for you the way it has for other people and the way it is just starting to for me! I'm in the early stages but I can already see the huge potential here. If you already know a Plexus ambassador, I implore you to reach out and find out more and get into this right now. If you don't, talk to me!

You can comment here with any questions or leave a comment with your email address and I will be happy to reach out to you with info or to answer any questions (I WILL NOT span you or put you on any kind of mailing list, I hate when people do that to me!) If you want to look at my website to see the products or if you want to jump in and join, it's I also have a PDF version of the newest catalog that I can't seem to attach here, but if you are interested I can email it to you.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Is Summer Over Yet?

As I read all the posts on Facebook from other mothers about how much they are loving summer and see blissful pics of happy kids playing in backyards or at the beach or at vacation and parents lamenting how fast time with little ones go...I can't help but wonder if they are full of shit.

I love my kids. I really do. And I often enjoy spending time with them. That doesn't mean, however, that I don't do a  little jump for joy every time my sons go for a visit to their dad's house or to visit their grandparents. It doesn't mean that I am not counting down until the new school year starts (15 DAYS!!!)

This summer has been tough. Four kids home with me all day every day while I try to get a business of the ground and work a day job has made me ...edgy isn't even the word. I can't believe screaming like a lunatic like this could be normal.

And the intense heat this summer has not helped. It's been too hot to spend as much time outdoors as we normally do, and the only thing worse than four young kids is four young kids who are unbelievably hyper from being trapped in the house for days on end.

We went swimming a few times a week, but as I mentioned I do need to work so we can't spend all day every day at the pool the way they (and I) would like, unfortunately. This leads to everyone crying when it's time to leave because apparently an hour of swimming is not nearly enough and just makes everyone upset when they get dragged out in the middle of having fun.

Deep sigh.

So tell me the truth. Are you really enjoying the summer with your kids or is anyone else totally ready for the first day of school?

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Obsessed With Plexus

As many of my readers know, I'm the only adult in a household with four children. To say money is tight and stress is often high is a severe understatement. I'm always open to new ideas to make money, but one thing I have always stayed away from is network marketing. Over the years, I had a few friends that tried selling for different companies, and while I knew some who were successful, pretty much everything about the whole situation gave me the heebie jeebies. I hated the idea of selling, I hated the way peoople who WERE selling constantly talked about it and tried to strong arm me into joining, I didn't see any reason I or anyone else should buy any of these expensive products when you could get the same stuff for cheaper in stores. Frankly, it all seemed like big scams to me.

Once, a friend of mine told me he'd made brownies and invited me over for a snack and movie - which turned out to actually be an "opportunity meeting" with some of his pushier friends. Ugh! As I always told myself and everyone, I'm not a salesperson. I know my personality and I knew I could never be pushy like that and I'd never want my family and friends to be afraid to answer my calls because they would be afraid of me selling to them.

Then, a few months ago, things changed. A friend of mine began taking and then selling Plexus in the early spring, and I'll admit that at first I rolled my eyes about her Facebook posts. I saw her posts about having more energy during the day and sleeping better at night and dropping a couple pounds (she was thin to begin with) and I started to pay a bit more attention.

This friend has been a register nurse for several decades and she posted alot of medical research into why these natural, plant based supplements worked, and I grew more and more curious. I have alot of weight to lose, and while I don't mind the way I look, and while I have a guy who has told me daily for years how attractive he finds me, as I creep closer to 40 I can't help worrying about the health effects of the extra weight.

I started doing my own research, and found that Plexus Slim, the most famous product Plexus offers, has a great success rate for weight loss (Almost 85 percent, over 90 percent when paired with Block and/or Accelerator.)

My friend who was selling it had messaged me a few times to tell me I should get into the business as well, because she knew my financial situation was precarious. To me, that was a big reason NOT to get involved, for her, she thought it should be an incentive.

But I was curious about the products. I'd been feeling pretty bad. Aside from the extra weight itself, I had almost daily headaches, my blood pressure had become a bit elevated, I was exhausted all day every day but couldn't sleep at night...I was a mess.

Eventually, in late June I decided to give Plexus a try. There is a 60 day money back guarantee on all products so I figured what did I have to lose? I did sign up as an ambassador, but I had no intention of selling. This is one of the ways Plexus is a unique company. Basically, you can buy a business for 34.95 a year. That's it. No required selling or "team building", no minimums, stop anytime, basically zero hassle whatsoever. Many people become ambassadors just to get wholesale prices, which are about 25 percent cheaper than retail. So it works kind of like a Sam's Club or Costco - you spend 34.95 to get wholesale prices for the year. But if you decide you DO want to sell, that sets you up to do it with your own website and everything.

Back to my story. I ordered the Triplex, which is the "pink drink," Plexus slim, ProBio 5, a powerful probiotic and anti fungal supplement, and Biocleanse, a supplement that flushes  the junk from your body and restores your magnesium levels. I really had very low expectations when I placed my order. I figured at best maybe I'd drop a couple pounds.

Within a week of starting the Triplex, I was posting all over Facebook about my experience and shortly after that, I began selling to my friends. Actually, that's not an accurate way of putting it. I didn't "sell" anything, the products work and they sell themselves.

I've been taking Plexus supplements for over five weeks now, and here are my results in that time. I have lost 13 pounds and 14 inches overall. I have the energy to keep up with my kids, but I sleep like a log all night now - my fit bit proves it! My headaches have all but disappeared, I've had three in the last five weeks - that's it! I feel like a new person.

I LOVE food. Seriously, LOVE IT. And now, I feel full all the time, I don't WANT to eat for the first time in my life. My cravings are GONE. To me, it feels like a miracle. I have never had will power over food and I still don't - I just don't want it anymore! Don't get me wrong, I still would like to lose alot more, but I'm REALLY happy with the start I'm off to!

More than the weight though, I'm shocked at the other changes I've experienced. I didn't even realize how lousy I felt until I began feeling better. And this is all from natural, plant based supplements! No chemicals!

As far as the business end of it, I'm shocked by that as well. I've never heard of a compensation plan as generous as the one Plexus offers it's ambassadors. I started having orders come through my website in early July, and I made a couple hundred profit in July...Not too shabby especially because literally the only thing I did was post about it on Facebook and chat with people who messaged me to ask about the products. They pay by direct deposit FIVE times a month and there are eleven different ways ambassadors can earn a commission.

Here's how my journey has personally gone with that so far...soon after I started Plexus, a girlfriend messaged me and said shed gained weight and felt lousy and what should she order? She ordered, and within a week or two, her husband was so impressed that he ordered for HIMSELF. Another friend ordered and talked it up so much that several of HER friends ordered. Two moms from my sons school commented on my weight loss and asked how I did it, one ordered, HER husband was really amazed and ordered for himself and his sister... That's the thing, the big difference is that these products are WAY higher quality and more effective than anything else on the market now (in my opinion, and apparently the opinion of a bunch of other rabid Plexus fans, lol) They WORK, so as soon as someone tries them, they naturally start talking about it and soon other people are contacting you wanting to know about this "magic" drink. It's now August 5th, and I've already sold more than I did the entire week of July....with no effort! Just through word of mouth and talking about my own success with it on Facebook! I'm not making huge money yet but I'm earning more than I hoped or expected to, and I see the huge potential for growth just by the way orders seem to be snowballing already.

I am not the kind of person who would sell something I don't believe in. I've never gotten involved with anything like this before. But I KNOW this business works and these products work. The more I research both - the more excited I get. I feel so grateful now that I came upon this opportunity - and while I never push anyone to buy or to join my team (and that's the other thing, I have an amazing team with incredible training available and tons of support for newbies like me) but I can't help mentioning it to people. It seems like so many people are not healthy, not happy, not feeling their best, and I want everyone taking Plexus and feeling better because I know it works!

One of my close friends told me the other day that she's having money trouble and would love to become an ambassador also - but she can't afford the 34.95 fee. It was like looking in a mirror a few weeks ago. Now, my absolute only regret is that I didn't get involved with Plexus sooner, both for the health and financial blessings I'm already beginning to experience. It's still early days for me with this, but I'm obsessed and so happy I found this. If you already know an ambassador, please contact her/him and ask for suggestions for what you should order or to talk to that person about joining if you're interested. If you don't know a "Plexus Lady" and have questions or are looking for a way to get healthier and/or earn some extra money, you can contact me (and btw, there are alot of people making TONS of money with Plexus. The woman who sponsored me only started in early March and has already reached the level of Senior Gold, which has an average annual income of about 25,000 a year...and she's increasing in rank all the time! Diamonds in the company, of which I think there are currently over 100 - have an average income of 442,000!!! Of course, the amount of income isn't guaranteed, yada yada yada, how well you do in this company has a lot to do with how willing you are to learn about the products, being willing to chat with people about it, etc. But I'm seeing so many people having amazing success because Plexus makes AMAZING products!

If you have questions or want to order or become an ambassador yourself, feel free to contact me, or any other Plexus person you know! Comment below if you'd like, and if you'd like to visit my website to check out our supplements or to order, please do! This is my Plexus site. I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!