Thursday, March 23, 2017

Obsessed With Sewing

So, as anyone who knows me or has been reading this blog for awhile has probably realized, I'm REALLY obsessed with crafts. While I have dabbled in paper crafts, jewelry and an assortment of other kinds, I've always come back to knitting or crochet as my first love.

Until recently. I've wanted to learn to sew for awhile now, and last month i got the awesome and generous gift of a sewing machine. Since then, I've been unstoppable! I've made dolls, dresses and skirts for my daughters, a sleeping bag for my son, mermaid blanket, several pairs of fleece socks....ALOT of stuff. 😂

Having an obsessive personality and a entrepreneurial bent, I've been mulling over starting a little business (when my skills improve enough.) I would make bags and/or dolls and/or fleece socks to sell. Probably on a Facebook page or through word of mouth. What do you all think? Does this sound feasible?  Here are some of my many recent creations....please be kind, I'm still just a newbie!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I'm Back!

Sorry for the extremely long absence, everyone!! Life has been a little crazy but things are finally settling down.

I've been a busy, busy girl! For the last few months, I've been working a new job that I really enjoy, as an at home sales rep for My Pillow. If you need a flexible job, like people and want to work at home, I can't recommend My Pillow highly enough!

Here's how it works. I applied and had a phone interview, then filled out some paperwork. Several weeks later, a laptop, headphones and My Pillow arrived on my doorstep! I waited for the next time a trainer was in my area and then there was an all day training session at my house.

And then I was all set! I log in to work when I want, for as long as I want. Of course, certain times of day are busier for sales than others. For instance, I have found late afternoons and early evening somewhat slow, as I assume people are driving home from work, eating dinner, etc.

When people call, I take their orders over the phone and make commissions on all of my sales. It's an extremely fun and low stress job and has been a real blessing for my family. And I feel good about working for a company with great quality products and a solid reputation.

People who say there are no legitimate work from home jobs out there are very wrong. It does take some digging to find the reputable opportunities, but if you are committed to working from home it is totally possible!