Saturday, July 23, 2016

I'm Back

First off, an apology. When I started this blog, I had every intention of writing every day for the whole year and then right off the bat, I miss an entire month. Sorry about that. I can't even blame it on the kids or work or anything like that - all I can say is there was a personal medical matter that I went through that made me really depressed and not feel like writing, all I wanted to do was sleep and cry and debate the entire thing with the father of my two daughters.

So anyway, I am feeling better, life is getting back to normal, and the crisis has been averted. But what's been going on got me thinking about all the things we take for granted in life.

It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day and focus on problems rather than all the wonderful things in life. Is it just me. or do other people deal with this as well?

I've begun making it my personal challenge to list everything I'm grateful for in my head every morning before I get out of bed, and I have to say it is really changing my outlook on life and improving the quality of my days.

Here are the things I thought of this morning:

I have four healthy children who (usually) are wonderful and the light of my life.

I have the most amazing, supportive friends anyone could ask for. The kind that help with anything, take phone calls no matter what time it is, and show up with just what I need, when I need it.

I have a man I've been in love with for 4.5 years who is kind and generous, supportive, and has given me two gorgeous daughters. Our situation is unconventional and at times difficult, but he more than makes up for the stress we deal with and I don't intend to ever give him up.

I have a great extended family. I have alot of family close by that I can spend weekends and holidays with, and I also have family all over the country that I keep in close contact with via phone, email and Facebook. There's nothing like knowing you have generations of loved ones at bat for you to make you feel secure.

I have a comfortable home. Its not large or fancy, but it's safe, clean and adequate for my growing family.

What about all of you? I'd love to hear what YOU are grateful for! And I hope that we can share some of this journey together!